International Women's Day 2021

No Girl or Woman should be held back because of her Period.



Girls in Africa miss school when they have their periods. This can lead girls to drop, putting them at greater risk for child marriage and getting pregnant at a young age.

A quality high-school education can transform a girl's future. Yet, around the world, many adolescent girls miss school or even drop out altogether for one simple reason: menstruation.

Schools in S. Tomé and Principe and Guinea-Bissau lack the supplies and sanitation facilities that girls need to manage their periods. Besides discomfort and/or pain, shame, stigma, and misinformation, all these factors discourage girls from attending school while menstruating.

Through Missão Dimix and 18 women-owned brands, we will:

Deliver reusable menstruation pads to young girls at S. Tomé and Principe and Guinea-Bissau.

These reusable pads are handmade in Portugal, by volunteers, and we will contribute by shipping them.

Teach how to create reusable pads locally by helping to buy manual sewing machines.

This action promotes empowered local communities that don’t depend on external help.

Help to rebuild girl-friendly bathrooms in local schools and promote period-safe spaces.

They ensure girls have a safe place and don't have to fear the embarrassment of stains on their clothes or boys bullying them.


This is about sisterhood, it’s about women supporting the future of another woman, while preserving the local environment. When we supply reusable sanitary pads, it’s also particularly important that we won’t be contributing to local pollution.

Can reusable pads change the world?

The answer is yes, because whenever a girl stays in school and gets an education:

She has fewer and healthier children, and her children are more likely to go to school and remain there longer.

She gains wage-earning power and learns skills that allow her to be more productive in her work and at home.

She becomes more able to protect herself from diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

She becomes more likely to take active roles in decision-making in her family and community.

Society gains when girls are educated.

image via Missão Dimix


Meet all the women-owned businesses that joined us. Together we commit to helping with 8% of our sales from one week to help with this mission.

Join us! Stand By Her too.

Ana Marta Cerâmica Joana Ribeiro Joalharia Mauvais Marie (Elsa)
Inusitado (Ana) Light Years Away (Marta) Normal or Not (Maria e Joana)
Airosa Design (Inês) Plume Organic (Ana) Knot Knot (Raquel)
Limon Rose (Ana) Pura Creative Nature (Francisca) Wheat & Rose (Maria)
Ownever (Eliana) Nazareth (Márcia) Mirakaya (Raquel)
Marita Moreno (Marita) Wonther (Olga)



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