We repair but first… Care

We Repair


We love our handbags so much, and we love to carry them around all the time.

But oops, we know, accidents happen, and time can also take a toll.


But great news - we will expertly care for all your handbags, regardless of their lifetime! An emergency drink spilling? A not so great musty smell? We can refresh your handbag. A good yearly leather hydration prevents flaking and wrinkling. We can also take care of that. Is the color fading? We’ll happily restore it. Undesirable holes? That can happen and we can fix it.

And when your handbag has seen better days, it's time for a restoration. From badly worn and cracked leathers to loss of shape… We will restore it. So yes, we are ready to stitch and repair. Send over your handbag and we will take amazing good care of it. 


If you have a problem with your OWNEVER piece, please contact us, we will be happy to solve any problem.


But first… Care


It’s destined for a lifetime so choose to love it and care for it.

To keep your piece perfect over the years, we suggest the following small simple gestures: 


Be careful not to scratch or rub your handbag against abrasive surfaces.

Keep your handbag away from humid environments to avoid any kind of mold.

Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and keep it away from any direct source of heat so it doesn’t lose its shape or color.

Avoid prolonged contact with any materials that may transfer their color pigments to the leather.

Keep your handbag away from grease, hand cream, hand sanitizer, makeup and perfume.

If the leather gets dirty or if there are superficial stains on the lining, we recommend that you clean it gently with a soft, light-colored cloth. Never use soap or solvent.

Always fill the handbag with crumbled parchment paper to help it retain its shape. Avoid the use of newspapers or colored paper as the ink tends to rub off on the interior fabric.

Store the handbag in a dust handbag or in a breathable cotton handbag. Do not store it in a plastic handbag or sealed container because the leather needs to breathe.

Do not hang the handbag, as it stretches out the handles.


Show your handbag some love. We will too. 




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